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J. K. Park, J. s. Yeom, E. J. Hwang, and S. K. Hahn, "Anti-Coagulating Hydroxyethyl Starch Blended with Hyaluronic Acid As A Novel Post-Surgical Adhesion Barrier", Proc. Meeting of the Korean Society for Biomaterials (2009).


J. S. Yeom, S. E. Chang, J. K. Park, J. H. Jeon, D. J. Yang, S. K. Choi, H. I. Shin, and S. K. Hahn, "Synchrotron X-ray Bio-imgaging of Bone Regeneration by Artificial Bone Regeneration of MGSB and Hyaluronate Hydrogels", Proc. Meeting of the Korean Society for Biomaterials (2009).

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